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Friday, January 28, 2011

Christmas Break 15: Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building

Sunday, January 9th

We didn't have any big plans for most of our last full day together in Tokyo. We spent the morning eating breakfast at a cafe and browsing the Yodobashi Camera store in Akihabara. I bought a really cute puzzle there.

The pieces are really tiny! I've done a few puzzles like this, but they've only been around 200 pieces.

Then we went to Shibuya and ate lunch at Freshness Burger. Yum. :)

That's a lime soda. There was half a lime in there!

Later in the afternoon we went back to Ikebukuro to go to the same karaoke place as before. The rate was even cheaper this time and it was about 1900 yen total for both of us for two hours and two drinks.

Then we went to Shinjuku to go up in the north tower observatory of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building.

It wasn't my first time up there, but it was nice to go back. I don't get tired of seeing all the lights of Tokyo at night. They just go on forever!

There is also a Toy Store up there. I bought a Hello Kitty magnet. You can't see inside the package so you don't know what you're going to get.

I really wanted the sewing machine one, but the lunch box that I got is cute too! :)

Then for dinner we headed back to Akihabara and ate at a ramen restaurant on the top floor of Yodobashi Camera. I was sad that Jonathan's visit was coming to an end. It had been so much fun!

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